RDF Tools


Here are details for the validators pre-loaded for use on the Validate page.

Title Description Version
BDR Messages Validator SHACL Shapes to validate BDR Messages https://linked.data.gov.au/def/bdrm/validator/1.1
GeoSPARQL RDF Shapes Validator This is a [Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL)](https://www.w3.org/TR/shacl/) file that specifies constraints for RDF data. It can be used to test the conformance of data to the GeoSPARQL standard. As of GeoSPARQL 1.1, this validator is not normative, only informative, however this is likely to be the basis of future, normative, validators. http://www.opengis.net/def/geosparql/validator/1.1
OGC LD API Validator SHACL Shapes to validate GeoSPARQL data according to the OGC LD API Profile https://w3id.org/profile/ogclidapi/validator/1.1
Ontology Publication Profile Validator SHACL Shapes to validate RDF data according to the Ontology Publications Profile https://w3id.org/profile/ontpub/validator/1.0
ProvWF Profile of PROV A SHACL validator for the ProvWF profile of PROV https://w3id.org/profile/provwf/validator/0.0.1
SHACL for SHACL This shapes graph can be used to validate SHACL shapes graphs against a subset of the SHACL syntax rules. http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl-shacl#1.0
SHACL Playground Person Shapes Example SHACL Shapes to validate Person data provided by the SHACL Playground (https://shacl.org/playground/) https://shacl.org/playground/1.0
SpacePrez Compound Validator Compounded SHACL validator for the SpacePrez Profile. This validator contains GeoSPARQL, OGC LD API Profile and SpacePrez Profile validators all in one https://w3id.org/profile/spaceprez/compounded-validator/2.0
TERN Ontology Shapes SHACL Shapes for the TERN Ontology. The version number of this SHACL file is kep in sync with the main TERN Ontology https://w3id.org/tern/shapes/tern/0.5.0
VocPrez Compound Validator The VocPrez Profile's validator combined with the validators of the profiles that it inherits from. https://w3id.org/profile/vocprez/validator/1.0
VocPub Validator The VocPub Profile's validator https://w3id.org/profile/vocpub/validator/1.0